Getting Started with Deliveries
This article will give you a basic overview of Deliveries through The Adstream Platform. Please do take a look around the Help Centre for a more in depth description of the features within Deliveries. The Deliveries module is where you can create orders for delivering your advert to the broadcaster.
Viewing your deliveries
When logged into The Adstream Platform you can see all the modules available in the bar at the top of the screen. Click Delivery.
Here you can see all your live orders and you can click on the different tabs to see draft, held and completed orders.
The list of orders has columns displaying metadata about your order, such as the order number and client, you can click and drag the column headings left or right to rearrange the order they appear in and click on one to sort by that column ascending and click again for descending. You can use the settings to customise the number of columns
In each tab you have a view of the orders you can click the disclosure triangle to view the order in more detail.
Advanced Search & Filtering
You can use the search box to find the order you need. If you click the advanced option then you can search using your metadata. In the advanced search window you can use the Search by dropdown to choose the metadata field e.g the client. You will then get a new drop down list or text box to select the specifics of that search.
You can tell whether it is a dropdown list because it will have a disclosure triangle you can still type in a drop down list to quickly find the item you’re looking for, the difference is that unlike a text box you have to select one of the options in the list. Once you’ve selected the criteria you need click the plus button, you can then add as many additional criteria as you need.
Below the Search by area you can set the Order Creation Date Range the Quick Selction drop down allows you select options such as today or last month, or you can manually choose the from and two dates. You can type in the date or use the to select on a calander. Once you’ve set up your search click ok. The bar will show you how many results there are and the X will exit the search.
Creating an Order
Click on the option to Create an Order and work through the fields in the form, you can slect the market by clicking the flag of the market currently selected in this case Australia. You can add media from a new master or from the Library or Projects module. The video at the top of this page will give you an overview of creating an order and assumes knowledge of the delivery process. If you’re logged into the Help Centre we also have detailed articles on the order process.