Overview of Collection sharing

Collection sharing is a great way of sharing your assets by grouping content based on metadata and sharing onto users and teams with control and security.


Users can now create, permission & share collections of assets from the Library.

  • Share a collection with existing users who are part of the BU, these can be primary users or users who have been invited like Secondary users from other Business units. You can also share collections with a library team and new users will be available in a future release.
  • Manage shared recipients and their roles, recipients are inclusive of individual users and Library Teams. 
  • When sharing you can search for users and teams of your platform by name and even review who is in the team before granting access.
  • Add email messages to your recipients when you share your collection.
  • We have introduced new iconography to help you understand the different collections in the library.
  • When you share a collection which contains one or more sub-collections then recipients will automatically inherit access. E.g when you share a collection at the top of the tree, any recipient assigned here will inherit access to the sub-collections. The same applies when you share a sub-collections with children. Collection sharing is based on inheritance.
  • Users also have the option to share collections at different levels on the collection tree.
  • Revoke individual or team access or revoke the share for all recipients. Receive email confirmation when the job is complete. 
    • When you revoke a recipient at the top of the collection tree the recipient will also be removed from all sub-collections which sit below the parent in the tree. 

 Click here to find out how to Share a collection



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