2.1 In the event of and only to the extent of any conflict or ambiguity between the clauses of these Conditions and any document referred to in the clauses of these Conditions and the Order Form, the conflict shall be resolved in accordance with the following order of precedence:
2.1.1 any completed Order Form;
2.1.2 the clauses of these Conditions;
2.1.3 any other document referred to in the Order Form;
2.1.4 any other document referred to in the clauses of these Conditions.
1. Interpretation{/a}
2. Overriding Provisions{/a}
3. Access to the Services{/a}
4. Payment of Charges, VAT & Withholding Taxes{/a}
5. Warranties{/a}
6. Confidentiality{/a}
7. Customer Data and Information Security{/a}
8. Intellectual Property{/a}
9. Term And Termination{/a}
10. Consequences of Termination and Expiry{/a}
11. Acknowledgements, Liability and Indemnities{/a}
12. Force Majeure{/a}
13. Data Protection{/a}
14. Transfer and Sub-Contracting{/a}
15. The Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999{/a}
16. Dispute Resolution{/a}
17. Waiver and Severability{/a}
18. Previous Terms and Conditions{/a}
19. Entire Agreement and Variation{/a}
20. Notices{/a}
21. Youtube{/a}
22. Law and Jurisdiction{/a}