Promostream Quick Guide

Why Use Promostream

The Promostream Platform is the new way to deliver your music videos to broadcaster.

It's accessible from anywhere at anytime... even your Smartphone!

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We'll save you money We'll save you time
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We'll look after you We're easier to use
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We won't charge you for
review files
We're mobile optimised
We can provide insightful reporting

Contacts Pages

Josh Scott | Business Development Manager
  • Office: +44 (0)207 539 8547 | Mobile: +44 (0)77 9241 8614
  • Email:

Office Location

7th Floor, Berkshire House
168 - 1773 High Holborn
London, WC1V 7AA

Quick Guide - For a Label Setting Up

  • Go to Promostream > Sign in using your Promostream login credentials.
  • Clock Ingest > fill in the fields > click Ingest new video > open your FTP Folder [use CyberDuck or FileZilla] and proceed to upload the video > advise Promostream of the upload > Promostream ingest file
  • Click manage videos > find video in videos requiring set up > click set up video > fill in the [mandatory] fields during steps 1, 2, 3 & 4 > save changes
  • You can edit videos that have already been set up by clicking manage videos > scroll down to the videos live on system table > click edit video > amend as required
  • You can see the viewing history of each video by clicking manage videos > scroll down to the videos live on system table > find the video you want > click view stats
  • You can check the status of an order at any time by clicking home > click manage orders

Quick Guide - For a Label Assigning to a Plugger

  • Go to Promostream{/s} > Sign in suing your Promostream login credentials
  • Click Ingest > fill in the fields > clicks Ingest new video > open your FTP Folder [use CyberDuck or FileZilla] and proceed to upload video > advise Promostream of the upload > Promostream ingest file
  • Click manage videos > find the video in videos requiring set up > click assign plugger > click on the assign plugger drop down list > select the plugger from the list > click assign plugger
  • The assigned plugger will receive a notification to alert them that a video has been assigned to them and requires setting up
  • As a label, you will be able to log in as normal and view any changes made by the plugger

Quick Guide - For a Plugger Setting Up

  • Video to be assigned by label to plugger
  • Go to Promostream{/s} > Sign in using your Promostream login credentials
  • Click manage videos > find video in videos requiring set up > click set up video > fill in the [mandatory] fields during steps 1, 2, 3 & 4 > save settings
  • You can edit videos that have already been set up by clicking edit video in the videos live on system table
  • You can see a videos viewing history by clicking view stats also in the videos live on system table
  • You can check the status of an order at any time by clicking manage orders

Quick Guide - For a Broadcaster

  • Go to Promostream{/s} > Sign in using your Promostream login credentials
  • REVIEWING VIDEOS | Once logged in, you will be able to see all the latest videos displayed as thumbnails. Videos are ordered by most recently uploaded first. To review a video, simply press the view button below the video you wish to play
  • ORDERING A VIDEO | On the video information page click the order status tab > click order video > order confirmation page > enter a message to send to the label or plugger [optional] > click submit order to confirm the order
  • PLAYLIST FUNCTIONALITY | In the video info tab on the right hand side of page > click add to playlist > when you have added all the videos you require, click the playlist link in the top navigation bar > takes you to the playlist player > play each video through
  • ORDER WORKFLOW | Order is placed > order is sent for approval to the label/plugger > order is approved and then queued for encoding and delivery > once a place in the queue is available, the file is transcoded into your delivery format > file is delivered to your destination or made available for you to download from our servers > you are notified by email once the file transfer has completed

Extra Info

ORDER STATUS | There are four states an order for a broadcast master can take:
  1. Awaiting Approval | Your order has been placed and is awaiting approval by the record label
  2. Awaiting Delivery | Your order has been approved by the record label and is queued for delivery
  3. Delivery in Progress | The transcode of the file into your delivery format and transmission of the file to your delivery destination has started
  4. Order Complete | Your order has been delivered

APPROVAL STATUS | The process for approving orders is as follows:

  • When your order is placed, the label/plugger is sent a notification and asked to authorise your order
  • Once the approval has been received, the video is queued for delivery by the delivery network at the earliest available opportunity

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